Let’s uncover the beauty of nature through its colors and shapes. Join me on this photographic journey !
Rubus ulmifolius, Schott
Rubus ulmifolius, Schott
Elmleaf blackberry, is a species of wild blackberry native to Europe and North Africa.
Iphiclides podalirius, L. – 2021.04.22 (b)
Iphiclides podalirius, L. – 2021.04.22 (b)
Photo with Laowa 65mm F2.8 – Parameters: F8 | 1/320 | ISO 100 – Manual focus lens, hand free. AWB Auto.
Festuca rubra, L.
Festuca rubra, L.
Red fescue, is a species of grass. It’s widespread across much of the Northern Hemisphere
Alstroemeria aurea, Graham
Alstroemeria aurea, Graham
Mammillaria bocasana, Poselg..
Mammillaria bocasana, Poselg.
Powder puff, is a species of cactus in the subfamily Cactoideae. The plant is protected from collecting in the wild in Mexico.