Discover the beauty of wildflowers. Wildflower photography, flower in nature. A collection of wild flowers as seen in nature, close up and macro shots. Flowers you probably won’t find at a florist shop.

The images on these pages relate to the photographic shots taken since FEBRUARY 2021. Photographs taken mainly in North East of the Milan province (Lombardia region – Italy). If not in this area, each image will include location/site of the shooting. Time by time, these images will be replaced with new ones (same subject). Better in my opinion. I apologize for any incorrect classification of flowers and plants in the images of the site. If you’ve any suggestions, these are welcome. *** All photos were taken into the wild. Also if some of these flowers, could be or in effect are, common cultivated flowers. For some reasons (pollinators, seed dispersal, etc…) grow and live normally also in wild sites, often not so far or eventually near urbanized areas ***

*** Alphabetical order, following scientific name in Latin

Wild flowers burst forth in vibrant hues, flourishing autonomously, untamed by human hands. Gracing beauty landscapes from wild meadows to dense woodlands, infusing nature’s canvas with an unrefined elegance that captivates the eye and supports diverse life forms.

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